Cape Platanna
Xenopus gilli
The species can be found only in the southwestern Cape Province in South Africa. The frog'shabitat includes fynbos, which are stained, piquant seepages and in the ponds in the Cape of Good Hope Nature Reserve. The Cape Platanna has smooth skin, strong webbed hind feet and a pointed head. One unusual thing about the Cape Platanna is that it does not have a tongue. This frog measures around 2.3 inches (5.8cm). It is usually dark colored.
The adults eat insects during the summer, but prefer tadpoles and small frogs during the rest of the year. Breeding begins in July.
The Cape Platanna was discovered in 1927. It is very picky with its habitats and that factor contributes on its decline. Other factors of its decline include: change of vegetation, change of water quality and its interbreeding with a larger, related species called the Common Platanna Xenopus laevis. The Xenopus takes over the Cape Platanna's habitat and also feeds on its tadpoles. Its surviving individuals are being protected and some 300 are in reserve parks.
Chinese Giant Salamander
Andrias davidianus
Andrias davidianus
The Chinise Giant Salamander can be found in the north, central, south and southwest China. Itshabitats are those of mountain streams at elevations below 3281 feet (1000m) with plentiful vegetation and shallow water surrounded with caves and pools. The Chinise Giant Salamander is a Giant; it measures 3.3 feet (1m) and is one of the world's largest salamander. It has a broad head and mouth. It is usually dark colored with light colors underneath and black patches on its upper side. Its four limbs are short and its tail accounts for more than half of its measure. It has a smooth and thick skin.
This salamander eats crabs, shrimps, aquatic insects, fish and frogs. It hunts at night. Breeding occurs from August to September.
One of the factors of the salamander's decline is the capitalization on medicine and food. This salamander is also being hunted for food, even though it is a protected animal. The numbers in the wild has decreased. Loss of habitats and the pollution of water are also factors of its decline. The protection of this species needs to be more effective and strict to prevent its extinction.